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Victorian Government response to Yoorrook for Justice report

The Yoorrook Justice Commission’s second interim report, Yoorrook for Justice, was handed down in September 2023.

The Yoorrook Justice Commission is the nation's first formal truth-telling process. It was established to examine injustices experienced by First Peoples in Victoria since colonisation. 

Yoorrook for Justice report

The report provides an opportunity to hear and understand what First Peoples have experienced and continue to experience in Victoria's child protection and criminal justice systems. It includes 46 recommendations.

It is the Commission's second interim report and was handed down in September 2023. 

Victorian Government response

The government has carefully considered the recommendations. It has accepted 28 either in principle or in full and is committed to considering 15 more. 3 recommendations that relate to existing legislation are not supported.

The response to the report reaffirms the State’s commitment to ensure Treaty negotiations are informed by the Commission’s recommendations. 

The government will work in partnership with Aboriginal communities, organisations, the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and relevant sector stakeholders to plan how to best implement reforms.

Victorian Government response to the Yoorrook for Justice report
